Rabu, 27 April 2011
Senin, 25 April 2011
Hikmat Bagi Kehidupan
Firman: [Yakobus 1:1-12]
Pengujian iman membutuhkan ketekunan, ketekunan pastilah menyelesaikan pekerjaanya. Allah memberi hikmat pada orang-orang yang percaya dan tidak rahu-ragu. Saudara yang berada dalam keadaan rendah harus berbangga dalam kedudukannya yang tinggi, dan saudara-saudara yang kaya seharusnya berbangga dalam kedudukannya yang rendah karena semua itu akan musnah.
"Merupakan bukti asli atas kesalehan sejati ketika meskipun tenggelam dalam penderitaan terdalam,kita tidak berhenti menyerahkan diri pada Allah" John Calvin
[sumber: Living Life; 25 april 2011; page 124-127]
Pengujian iman membutuhkan ketekunan, ketekunan pastilah menyelesaikan pekerjaanya. Allah memberi hikmat pada orang-orang yang percaya dan tidak rahu-ragu. Saudara yang berada dalam keadaan rendah harus berbangga dalam kedudukannya yang tinggi, dan saudara-saudara yang kaya seharusnya berbangga dalam kedudukannya yang rendah karena semua itu akan musnah.
"Merupakan bukti asli atas kesalehan sejati ketika meskipun tenggelam dalam penderitaan terdalam,kita tidak berhenti menyerahkan diri pada Allah" John Calvin
[sumber: Living Life; 25 april 2011; page 124-127]
Kamis, 07 April 2011
How to manage your pocket money??
You know, some student confuse how to manage their pocket money. Not all of them come from a rich family. Thats why they must think before they use their money. When you want to buy something, it’s better if you wise. It’s not easy to your parent give you a money. They must work hard in 1 month to get their salary and then they give it a part of it to you. So you can filling you daily needs. For example, your food and drink when you at shcool, buy a stationary,buy gasoline for your transpotation,and etc.
Sometimes, something urgent come suddently. We can use our pocket money to something that urgent. It’s helpful. Sometimes we can use our pocket money to buy our basic necessities. Thats help our parents more frugal. We can buy our own clothes with our pocket money when we hang out with our friends too. You can feel proud if you buy something with your own pocket money. Next time when you want to buy something, lets try to think like this: that thing usefull or not, i need it or just interest with that, and worthed or not. Maybe thinking like this will help you to decide something you want to buy.
Another solution, like an accounting in office, you can make a list to write down your income and your expend. You can write what you buy, the date, the price, etc. if you get more extra money from your parent, you can write it to on your list. Or when you need more money to buy something important and you need it immediately, you can know how much money that you have and how much money that you must have. Or if you have a business, you can count your profit. It is very easy actually. You need to common and be patient to write it and keep it simple to understand. So at the end of month, you can know where your money gone.
The last solution if you have a lot of money on your pocket, don’t bring it everywhere you go. So much thief who hunt money out there. You can keep it into the bank. When the bank ask you about the credit card, ignore it, because you do not need it right now. You will not lose out your money when you save it in the bank, your money will be much more. So, never mind and confuse about you money when it in bank. Just relax. You can deposit your money. It will be more benefit to you. Why? Because the … will be more big than the ordinary…
That’s all I can give to you how to manage your pocket money. It’s not easy maybe, but more better if you try to manage your pocket money. If you manage it well, I think you will not dispointed. Someday when you grown up, you have to work and you will know how hard you reach your money. It’s not easy to earn money. So, use it well.
[by: Me ^^]
Sometimes, something urgent come suddently. We can use our pocket money to something that urgent. It’s helpful. Sometimes we can use our pocket money to buy our basic necessities. Thats help our parents more frugal. We can buy our own clothes with our pocket money when we hang out with our friends too. You can feel proud if you buy something with your own pocket money. Next time when you want to buy something, lets try to think like this: that thing usefull or not, i need it or just interest with that, and worthed or not. Maybe thinking like this will help you to decide something you want to buy.
Another solution, like an accounting in office, you can make a list to write down your income and your expend. You can write what you buy, the date, the price, etc. if you get more extra money from your parent, you can write it to on your list. Or when you need more money to buy something important and you need it immediately, you can know how much money that you have and how much money that you must have. Or if you have a business, you can count your profit. It is very easy actually. You need to common and be patient to write it and keep it simple to understand. So at the end of month, you can know where your money gone.
The last solution if you have a lot of money on your pocket, don’t bring it everywhere you go. So much thief who hunt money out there. You can keep it into the bank. When the bank ask you about the credit card, ignore it, because you do not need it right now. You will not lose out your money when you save it in the bank, your money will be much more. So, never mind and confuse about you money when it in bank. Just relax. You can deposit your money. It will be more benefit to you. Why? Because the … will be more big than the ordinary…
That’s all I can give to you how to manage your pocket money. It’s not easy maybe, but more better if you try to manage your pocket money. If you manage it well, I think you will not dispointed. Someday when you grown up, you have to work and you will know how hard you reach your money. It’s not easy to earn money. So, use it well.
[by: Me ^^]
Venerable Bede says:
" Sebagaimana Sang Kaisar menuntut dari kita materai keserupaannya, begitu pula Allah. Ketika kita menyumbangkan uang untuk 1 hal, kita memberikan jiwa kita untuk hal lainnya.....jiwa kita diterangi dan dimateraikan dengan cahaya wajah-Nya"
[sumber: Living Life 7 april 2011; page 49]
[sumber: Living Life 7 april 2011; page 49]
Rabu, 06 April 2011
Donald Bloesch says..........
"Damai Sejahtera dan keyakinan kita bukan terletak pada kekudusan berdasarkan pengalaman kita, bukan pada kemajuan kita menuju kesempurnaan, melainkan pada kebenaran Yesus Kristus yang mencakup semua keadaan berdosa kita dan Dia sendirilah yang membuat kita dapat diterima dihadapan Allah yang kudus"
Selasa, 05 April 2011
Kemenangan Karena Kesabaran
Kegembiraan instant adalah kekuatan yang tidak hanya menggenggam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Bersyukur atas internet, kita dapat menemukan hampir segala hal secara instant. Kita tidak perlu membaca buku untuk menemukan jawaban yang kita cari.
Era informasi telah mengubah dunia ini dan cara kita memeandang kehidupan. Keinginn kita telah berubah dari menginginkan segala sesuatu secara instant menjadi mengharapkan keinginan kita secara instant. Ini dapat membawa masalah dalam kehidupan dan karakter kita. Kita mengharapkan Tuhan menjawab doa kita secara instant. Namun Tuhan menjawabnya dalam 3cara: ya, tidak dan tunggu.
Seperti yang ditulis oleh P.G. Matthew, "Ketidaksabaran merampok berkat rohani dari kita. Itulah sumber semua kesedihan"
[sumber: Living Life-Indonesia edisi april 2011; selasa 5 apl 11; hal. 39]
Era informasi telah mengubah dunia ini dan cara kita memeandang kehidupan. Keinginn kita telah berubah dari menginginkan segala sesuatu secara instant menjadi mengharapkan keinginan kita secara instant. Ini dapat membawa masalah dalam kehidupan dan karakter kita. Kita mengharapkan Tuhan menjawab doa kita secara instant. Namun Tuhan menjawabnya dalam 3cara: ya, tidak dan tunggu.
Seperti yang ditulis oleh P.G. Matthew, "Ketidaksabaran merampok berkat rohani dari kita. Itulah sumber semua kesedihan"
[sumber: Living Life-Indonesia edisi april 2011; selasa 5 apl 11; hal. 39]
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